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GSR Ultimate Guide: Casino Blackjack Rules

Written by Alex D'Antonio | May 8, 2017 4:00:00 PM

Casino blackjack ranks as the most popular casino table game at Grand Sierra Resort (GSR).

Though blackjack’s popularity initially spiked when legends swirled about players outsmarting the house, these days, its most legendary aspect is simply its staying power.

What makes casino blackjack irresistible?

A seasoned blackjack player might tell you blackjack supersedes all other games because it’s a team sport. A camaraderie develops as players gather around the table. In the end, players bet against the dealer’s luck. What’s the effect? At a great casino blackjack table, the best payers keep it positive and cheer on tablemates for a good call.

Want in on the fun? Be a great team player at GSR with these casino blackjack rules:

  • Add it up: The cumulative sum of a winning blackjack hand adds up closer to 21 than the dealer. Of course, anything over 21 loses.
  • Hit: This term roughly translates to “Hit me with another card,” with the hope of getting the sum of your cards closer to 21 than the dealer. Instead of spoken commands, a player signals this desire by pointing to cards, scratching the table with cards, or waving, as in “bring it here.”
  • Stand: The opposite of hit, “stand” indicates a player does not want another card. Players elect to stand if they think their hand is closer to 21 than the dealer. In that case, the concern is that another hit could take the hand over 21. This also relies on nonverbal cues, signaled by a flattened palm over current cards in a faceup game or by sliding cards under a bet in a facedown game.
  • Bust: After a hit, the sum total of a player’s cards exceeds 21. The bet is lost.
  • Double down: In this option, players double their bet. As a tradeoff for that privilege, the number of hits becomes limited to one, regardless of the denomination of that one hit. To indicate this intention, a player double downs by taking a chip or chips equal to the amount of the original bet and placing the chips next to his or her initial bet.
  • Split: Doubles always feel lucky. In blackjack, when dealt two of the same card denominations, players may separate the matching cards into two separate bets, as long as the second bet equals the first. The first card of the matching split pair plays out in normal fashion until a player reaches either stand or bust. The dealer then continues to the second card, playing out that hand.
  • Insurance: This side bet in blackjack occurs when a dealer’s faceup card shows an ace. Players might decide to hedge their bets since there’s a higher likelihood that the dealer has blackjack. Though "insurance” can only be made on half of a player’s original bet, a player covers the loss with this insurance bet since it pays out two to one.

Ready to hit the tables?

Look for a table with the right vibe and dealer personality to match your game style. Keep in mind that during peak hours, both table minimums and table demands increase. Remember to keep your Club Grand membership cards at the ready as dealers ask for the card before any betting. And don’t forget about GSR’s Monday Night Blackjack Tournament!

If you still have questions, just ask our team of casino hosts, complimentary in-person instructors, or professional dealers. They know what it takes to make your visit to GSR a win in every way.