Announcing the "Share Your Story" Winners
Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their stories about the Grand Theatre. The variety of stories, funny to nostalgic to heart-warming, made it a challenging task for our staff to select only 5 winners. But the efforts were quite rewarding as well in being able to identify these stand-out stories. Congratulations to the winners, who will be conctacted directed by GSR staff with more information on their prizes.
- Rita Lencioni 07/09/2015 09: 54 AM
- "When Hello Hollywood Hello opened I went to see... continue reading
- David Conley 07/09/2015 8:50 PM
- "In the summer of 1987, I brought my family to stay... continue reading
- Debra Eto 07/10/2015 12:08 PM
- "My Mom was a huge Frank Sinatra fan. She had never... continue reading
- Paul Graham 07/11/2015 10:05 AM
- "I have generations of memories. In the 70's... continue reading
- Kristie Powell 07/12/2015 09:26 AM
- "I have been to several shows at the Grand Sierra Theater... continue reading
When you think iconic and legenadry music, shows and entertainment in Reno, you think of the Grand Theatre at Grand Sierra Resort.
The Grand Theatre, an old dame with a long history, closed its doors in January to begin a $10M construction project to renovate the theatre to include more seats in a stadium style layout, state-of-the-art sound system, lighting and more. When the Grand Theatre reopens in August this lady will be glorious once more in all her modern, sophisticated style she was born to be.
Lengendary Music & Shows
The Grand Theatre opened in 1978 with “Hello Hollywood, Hello” – the largest and longest running Broadway style production in Reno – and even after the show closed continued to attract iconic musical legends like Frank Sinatra, Van Morrison, Bob Dylan and many more. In the spirit of celebrating the theatre’s history and the excitement around the grand re-opening we want to Share Your Story.
Shared Stories
Jeremiah Motak 7/24/2015 07:39 PM
"The act with the memorizing of the zip codes, He new all the zip codes in the United States and also new highlights in those areas."
Michael Schneider 7/24/2015 04:10 PM
"I was only 3 years old when my parents took me to the MGM Grand in my hometown of Reno. Although I was just a wee-lad, my memories of that night still bring me joy and an amazing sense of wonder. I remember fire, water, dancing, music, top-hats, tigers, bright lights, and most memorably... I remember a huge airplane that seemed to magically fly over the heads of everybody in the audience. Thinking about that last spectacular scene continues to bring me so much joy and when I am asked to think of my childhood, it is that experience I had in the Grand Theatre, watching Hello Hollywood Hello, that stands at the forefront of my memories. My experience at The Grand Theatre definitely continues to shape who I am today, as I have not forgotten that same sense of wonder I experienced when I was only three."
Rich Fusaro 7/23/2015 11:14 AM
"My best memory was seeing (gorgeous) Charro with my dad when I was 15. I still have a crush till this day! It was a special time of bonding father and son. It warms my heart and brings tears to my eyes to remember. I look forward to seeing Billy Idol rock the house, and many more shows to come!!! Coochie dad!"
Marie Pierce 7/23/2015 08:19 PM

"I'll never forget the night Air Supply Signed my album from High School. My cousin & I enjoyed the night & memories from getting that album signed. Had people come up to me after the show asking to see it. Still talk about that night "
Kathy Hunter 7/23/2015 06:27 AM
"I'm really glad the theater has been updated. I am from an older crowd and have seen many shows and enjoyed them all. I have had nothing but pleasured experiences at this theater. The age of big shows is definitely gone. I'm sure I will enjoy the many artist that will be coming. I'm especially glad to hear the sound system is being updated, that has been necessary for quit sometime. Keep up the good work."
Jon Preiss 7/20/2015 08:56 PM

"My story from one of the many live concerts that I have attended at the Grand Theatre under the Hilton and GSR banner is sad and shocking at the same time, but it shows that a you never know when you have truly had your final performance under the limelight. On 8/29/14 I saw Survivor play live a sold out show with tickets front and center in the second row at the theatre. It was a great concert with both of the lead singers in the bands history sharing the stage and singing the songs that they were best known for. Unfortunately, Jimi Jamison, who was given the nickname of "golden throat" by the other band members, passed away at his home in Memphis two nights later. I have attached a photo of him from that very night and show. R.I.P. Jimi Jamison, you truly were one of the best front men ever."
Keith Wilson 7/17/2015 08:07 PM
"I've seen my fair share of concerts in the GSR Grand Theatre over the years, but my favorite experience was when I brought my adult daughter with me to see Grand Funk Railroad. She'd never been to a 70s hard rock gig and was amazed at the drummer's talent. I explained, "Imagine how great he was 40 years ago if you like him now...". Anyhow, I'll probably bring her back if KC & Sunshine Band or Peter Framptom or MIni Kiss and Mini Palooza or ... return. I've seen them all and they were all great shows. I like flying in from Seattle to stay and the GSR and attend the concerts. I like the nostalgic look and feel, and always feel safe walking around the casino, hotel floors, and property at large."
Karen Burns 7/16/2015 11:43 PM

"I danced in the MGM “Hello Hollywood Hello” show for almost two years from 1977-1979. Most of the performers were “imported” from England, South Africa, Europe and various U.S. states. I was one of the first and very few Reno locals to be in the show. As with many things “of one’s youth”, I wish I would have understood the significance of both the MGM name and the “Hello Hollywood Hello” show A Tribute to the Magic World of Movies. At the time, the show was billed as the “biggest show on the biggest stage in the world” and inspired by two of the biggest names in entertainment: Florenz Ziegfeld and MGM Movie Studios. But there was no way I could have ever predicted the continuing effect that this MGM show would have on me for almost 35 years! In 1994, I had the unprecedented opportunity to purchase almost all of the original 1,392 MGM “Hello Hollywood Hello” costumes. These phenomenal one-of-a kind costumes were designed by two award winning costume designers and created by seven famous costume houses with a “no-expense spared” attitude including 1,000’s of Swarovski rhinestones & crystals. As a “lowly chorus dancer”, I never imagined that I would one day own a piece of incredible entertainment history - The New York Times: “probably one of the largest private collections of vintage theatrical costumes”. These MGM costumes are still used today for entertainment shows, events plus historical and educational presentations focusing on our fascinating local history. Entertainingly Yours, Karen Burns Karen@KarenBurnsProductions.com 775-853-2299 Karen Burns Productions, Karen Burns on Flicker, Karen Burns Productions on Facebook. ThoseFabulousMGMCostumes"
Nick Durst 7/16/2015 11:12 PM
"The first time I went to the theater was for a Chinese acrobatic show. It was amazing the entire stage is huge and it looked to big for the theater."
Manuel Mederos 7/16/2015 09:40 PM
"Wow, the Grand Sierra Theatre and I go waaaay back when I was only 15 years old in 1995. I was a young kid from Mexico and here I was being honored as a recipient of the Soroptimist International of Truckee Meadows Award for having the most volunteer hours. At that time I was undocumented and I was totally afraid of being in front of all these people. I remember seeing a huge plane on stage, because it is very known the Theatre is so huge you can fit a plane. I remember seeing it as I was being honored. That is a memory I will never forget and the GSR Theatre will forever have a special place in my heart. I have no pic I'm sorry, wish I did! Thank you for this grand opportunity to share my story, I love the GSR for what it represents and what is trying to become. Thank you!"
Jakki Ford 7/16/2015 07:15 PM

"I truly enjoyed performing as a Singer and Dancer in the Donn Arden Stage Spectacular "Hello Hollywood Hello"Show!! Here I am in one of my many costumes in the production. I was a Space Queen who came down from the ceiling onto the stage and chased by 50 male dancers across and around the huge stage as our full orchestra played a very high energy DISCO arrangement that always knocked the audience off their seats!! Truly a "Grand" Show and a GRAND EXPERIENCE I will never forget!!"
Karen Hansen-Gaultier 7/16/2015 12:00 PM
"I have only had wonderful experiences in the Grand Theatre......Each and every time I have had a booth right in the center stage area and the service and shows have been phenomenal...Thank you so much Grand Sierra for making opportunities like this happen......"
Todd Kirsten 7/15/2015 12:50 PM
"When i was a kid. My fathers work christmas party was there every year. (Sierra pacific power company) the stage was piled up with presents 5 feet high and who knows how deep. Santa would come out and the kids went up by age. When you got up to the stage, you got to pick a present! I was an experience that i will never forget one of the great things companies did for the employees and their family back in the day. He retired 6 years ago from now nv energy."
Eric Evansen 7/14/2015 07:51 PM
"I remember taking my mother and father to see Hello Hollywood Hello in 1983, right after college and when I first moved to Reno. I absolutely had no idea it was topless and my mother was absolutely horrified but my dad was grinning ear to ear. Although I was embarrassed, I enjoyed it very much."
Caril Brown 7/14/2015 04:18 PM
"I remember being there in the late 1980s and the show was fantastic how they moved all the sceneries around all the head dresses in the colors it was also a Halloween weekend and I got married even though the marriage didn't stick the memories did and I still come back no matter what you name your casino."
Luz Raines 7/14/2015 03:27 PM
"My twin sister and I were 3 yrs old when mom and dad took us to see Hello Hollywood Hello at the MGM. They used to serve dinner and drinks with the show. I remember thinking how beautiful my mom looked in her fancy dress, and my dad was dashing in his coat and tie. The dancers in the show look glamorous in their glittering costumes, but mom said we added to the entertainment of those around our booth when we started dancing like the showgirls on the table. It was an amazing night. The costumes, dancing, laughter, and singing from that night is some of my earliest memories."
Jami Shontz 7/14/2015 12:25 PM
"When I was in beauty school my friend won tickets to a Brandy concert. Her being a single mom and me also being a mom full time student we needed a break and goodnight out. It was perfect we got second row we dance, drank margaritas, Brandy rocked the show! Then afterwards we saw her at the casino and she gave us a hug we were so excited we forgot to take a picture! We had so much fun we still talk about it and that was around 09! Then in Christmas I took my daughter to the nutcracker and she had a blast!"
Jan Widger 7/13/2015 01:10 PM
"The very first time I went to the theater, I saw Charo, it was a long, long time ago, when Wally Jones was the Music Director...I LOVED the show."
Happ Higashi 7/12/2015 11:06 PM
"I remember watching Splash there when I was in my teens and getting a virgin drink in that souvenir hurricane cup. And just amazed when that huge plane came out! Keeping it grand! #shareyourstory"
Ernesto Ibarra 7/12/2015 08:36 PM
"ive been coming to this casino for yrs and its improve by 100% . i love this place"
Mike Carlson 7/12/2015 12:09 PM
"Saw Halestorm and Bullet For My Valentine there in concert. Great weekend with my daughter it was our first concert at the Grand Sierra. Would love to come back for more"
Benjamin Jacoby 7/12/2015 12:09 PM
"back in the early years, it was the mgm.we went to the mid night show on new years eve, it was a night to remember, airplane on the stage, half naked girls droping down from the ceiling,beautiful gowns and music"
Kristie Powell 7/12/2015 09:26 AM
"I have been to several shows at the Grand Sierra Theater through the years... My favorite time being my 40th birthday. My husband took me to see David Garrett. He plays mainstream and rock music with his violin. It was an amazing show, and what made it even more amazing was the feel of the theatre. It is more of an intimate setting not like a stadium. The next evening my husband surprised me by having some of our friends and family join us for dinner and fun in the casino. They stayed at the hotel that night and we all had a blast! My best birthday ever, thank you to GSR and my hubby!!"
Crystal Roberts 7/11/2015 08:11 PM
"My daughter had her SYFL competition in the theater. It was completely packed. Everyone was having a great time."
Rebecca Bowen 7/11/2015 06:20 PM
"We went to GSR Grand Theater last year to see Tony Bennett, my mom loved him so much and never got a chance. So my husband Russell and I went. What an outstanding venue. we sat in a booth with another couple who we didn't know and by the end of the night we were like old friends. It was like a night out of a old movie. Tony still has got it and we enjoyed it so much. Glad to see it is reopening and hope to see some more shows there when we visit."
Lisa Hammond 7/11/2015 06:10 PM
"I've seen Josh Blue and the Wayans here and both experiences were great! The stage was huge and easy to see. My husband called it world class! We don't get out much with 3 kids, but we like to think of the GSR like our 2nd home when we do. Love it here."
Traci Pennington 7/11/2015 03:05 PM
"Too many great shows and concerts to list! I love the gsr and the diverse entertainment they provide locally . Train was amazing concert!!! Concerts are the best thing to enjoy with friends and having so many different ones to choose from close is a great benefit for me!"
Rickie Hall 7/11/2015 10:59 AM
"I was one of the original Showroom waiters back in the MGM days working in the Ziegfeld showroom through the days of Ball's and then with the Hilton Corps reign, I even still have a picture of all the cast and employees on stage with the plane in the back drop, It sad-ens me to see all change I spent my life in that showroom, seeing the top line entertainment line up like Lisa Minnelli and Frank Sinatra, to name a few PLUS the infamous "Hello Hollywood"production, that stage was designed for and provided a great living for my family, once they went to ticket sales only, without the old school Dinner/Cocktail Shows format, i transferred to the Front Desk, its nice to see a iconic venue remain through all the changes life on life's terms offer but deeply saddens me a the same time. Gives true meaning of the Good OLE Day's. Congratulations! to the GSR for continuing the Legacy of that Venue and Good Luck in bringing back the Entertainment Reno so definitely deserves....COOODOOOS!!!"
Wendy Koch 7/11/2015 10:21 AM
"My favorite memory of the Grand Sierra Resort Theatre is when I went to see Diana Ross. I went with my older sister and some friends. It was a fabulous show. Diana Ross is such an icon and the presence she made in that room when she walked out on stage was chilling. She has such a beautiful sprit and the room was filled with happiness and joy. The sound of her voice and vibrant colors on her amazing outfits were spectacular. My sister and I keep looking at each other and it really brought back memories of when we were younger and used to listen to her music. It was a loving moment. I will always remember that night as being one of the best concerts I have ever been to. Thank you so much Grand Sierra Resort for that memorable experience."
Heather Hennessy 7/11/2015 10:16 AM
"I went and stayed their two years ago. Newly wed, went to lay out at the swimming pool....knowing I'm a bigger girl but wanted a tan...so I wore a tankini. So I'm sitting there and roasting in the sun, and trying to get my confidence up to get into the water.....ughhh while beautiful tiny bodies are having a ball. Hoping to get up gracefully welp....one of my bikini strings got caught in the chair ...I stood up and rip the whole thing fell off! I died a thousand deaths! Everyone was cool about it but sheer terror on my face holding a water after that I wished I had been drinking alcohol! Lol!!! I can't believe I just re- embarrassed myself ughhhh sorry all. Do love GSR!!!!"
Paul Graham 7/11/2015 10:05 AM
"I have generations of memories. In the 70's my dad and mom packed up the six of us kids in our 58 Chevy Wagon and traveled from our Central Valley farm to see "Hello Hollywood Hello" at the MGM Grand. It was spectacular. I'll never forget the dancing girls on the wings of the plane. Now as a senior living in Reno, my wife and I have attended many shows; when it was Ballys, the Hilton and now GSR. And we are very much looking forward to many more memories at the Grand Theatre. We can't wait to take our grandkids, maybe to see the Nut Cracker."
Tiffani Oxyer 7/11/2015 09:00 AM
"I would just say as my story that I have never been to a show there but have been to GSR love that hotel I don't have a story to tell but would love to go to a show so I can tell my story for your theatre show love going to shows plays...it wpuld be a great experience for me to observe."
Krisley Daz 7/10/2015 08:24 PM
"hello hollywood was a great show, but 2 shows stand out for me. the first was mac davis, it was hard for him to be humble that night. the second was JOAN RIVERS. i never laughed so hard in one night of comedy. her routine about going to the gynecologist had every woman in the audience rolling in the aisles."
Linda Childers 7/10/2015 03:49 PM
"In the summer of 2000, my husband and I booked rooms at the Grand Sierra and purchased tickets on line for The Temptations who were performing in the Grand Sierra Theatre. We were looking forward to our weekend at GSR, but on the day we were to leave, my husband was unable to leave due to work commitments. I really wanted to see The Temptations perform, so I asked my son Mike, who was 22 at the time, to go with me for the weekend. He agreed only because he knew how much I wanted to attend the show. We had the best time at The Temptations' performance! My son was wowed by their costumes and choreography, and he was surprised at how many of their hits were songs that he knew. Afterward, we had a blast in the casino. My husband and I have been to many fabulous performances at the GSR Theatre, but my trip with my son is my favorite. We still talk about that trip. Can't wait to enjoy the remodeled theater."
Joyce Doval 7/10/2015 02:06 PM
"Of all shows presented in this room with "Class" & "Pomp;" my most memorable has got to be, what turned to... "The Joan Rivers" final appearance in Reno!!! The show was classy and intimate, and Joan was her superior Best! Considering the intimacy of her presentation, the showroom and the techies were well above par in capturing all the nuances of this performer and her dynamic personality! It is the show I will always cherish and never forget!"
Debra Eto 7/10/2015 12:08 PM
"My Mom was a huge Frank Sinatra fan. She had never seen him perform. It had been a dream of hers, but due to money issues and having 4 kids, she could never see him. When we found out Frank Sinatra was performing at the MGM Grand, we (her kids) got together and were able to send her to see the Chairman of the Board. The evening made her day. While it was great to be able to see Frank Sinatra, it was mch ore gratifying to see the smile on my Mom's face as he sang and joked with the audience. Making her dream come true, was making my dream come true. Now that she is no longer with us, this was an evening I will never forget."
Andrew Walter 7/10/2015 10:51 AM
"My family went to our first live show together at the Grand Theatre and were able to meet all of the performers afterward. The kids loved it so much that it has now become a tradition to do while we stay there."
Judi Kleidon 7/10/2015 08:37 AM
"My story about the Grand Theatre isn't about one show or two shows, it's about all the holiday shows my husband and I have enjoyed over the years. It has been "tradition" to see the holiday performances at the Grand and we only hope you'll continue with that."
Kathy Galloway 7/10/2015 09:35 AM
"My first memories of Florenz Ziegfeld Showroom race backwards to the 80's and 90's. My husband and I were a young couple coming from a small town, and Reno was a special trip. We made it into an event to remember and a point to see, "Hello Hollywood Hello." Entering through the massive doors into the theaters cavity was exhilarating, but the anticipation of what was to come was diabolic. The curtains opened and from the haze of smoke lights would glaze your eyes. Your imagination soared and out of your dilated pupils came to be a visual of a huge airplane on stage making this a show stopper! The cat walks dropped down and the lanai coves above your heads portrayed scenes. Actors' and actresses would catch the moment to infiltrate the stage with their talent. The Florenz Ziegfeld Showroom certainly had you riveted to your seat, Mechanical wheels turned behind the scenes as the show continued with a dynamic explosion of wonderment as the guests' sat and watched. Then it was over, making you want more. We did make trips to Reno, and made it our destination thru the years to go to see several different shows at the current Grand Theater. But the one etched in my memory and had us coming back was, 'Hello Hollywood Hello.'"
Ronald Olcese 7/10/2015 08:37 AM
"I remember when a 747 pot out of the stage."
Michelle Scott-Lewing 7/10/2015 07:28 AM

"To describe our experience with the Grand Theatre means sharing a miracle… Falynne Lewing - a 13 year old girl with early childhood developmental delays and Asperger’s Syndrome – given the chance to make her dreams a reality by delivering a spectacular Michael Jackson: A THRILLING Tribute Show on the most incredible stage in North America is nothing short of miraculous to her and to all of her supporters! The stage was enormous and exciting – yet what better stage than one capable of fulfilling the epic dreams of a child who from age 1 thru 10 had trouble with speech? Through the generous hearts and caring smiles of the people at the GSR …Falynne was able to deliver a mighty performance accompanied by her team of highly skilled adult dancers who have all spent hundreds of hours on that stage! Without the wonderful people behind the scenes at the Grand Theatre in October 2014, the spark that was ignited on that stage would not be lit as of yet. Every person – from the Director of Entertainment to the lighting and sound crew – to the security guards – smiled right along with Falynne as she marched right into the world-class Grand Theatre to boldly show the audience the stuff that dreams are made of. We are eternally grateful to the Grand Theatre, and we hope Falynne gets to spend a lot more time there in her future! We LOVE the Grand Theatre and The Grand Sierra! The Lewing Family."
David Blackmore 7/10/2015 05:00 AM
"The Last time you had Peter Frampton, in 2014. just before the show started I proposed to my lovely wife."
Ellen Potter 7/09/2015 11:14 PM
"I have seen magic shows mainly here. But my favorite show was Aron Tippin Valentine show. I was in a high seat so seeing him and trying to take his pic was very hard. he looked so small in my photos. but I still enjoyed the concert and wish to see more shows of western music singers in the future. Just wish he would of done a meet and greet. i am hoping you will actually have more comfortable seating for disabled people. hard chairs and sitting sideways with a bad back is not good and makes me want to leave shows earlier."
Dorothy Maly 7/09/2015 10:19 PM
"I've been coming to this casino since it was the mgm the show was so fabulous the girls but he airplane was the big hit. Now the casino has been remodeled and its just a joy seeing the improvements I'm glad I come to the grand sierra and can't wait to see the new theater."
Gary Rossman 7/09/2015 10:09 PM
"Frank Sinatra, chaiman of the Board. Though I am younger, I have always wanted to see Frank in concert and the opportunity came thanks to the Grand Sierra (formerly the MGM Grand). Sinatra junior was the band director and the evening was perfect. Each time now, when I walk past the theater, I remember that concert, a truly special event for me. I did 'fly to the moon' that night. Thanks for the memories... good luck with the new theater."
Damon Hague 7/09/2015 10:02 PM
"Watching Terry Fator dispel all rumors of being a fake singing as Tony Bennet acapella. "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" Magnificent, you could have heard a pin fall."
Sandra Woloski 7/09/2015 9:26 PM
"NickleCreek was a group we never heard of. The billboard drew us in for the show . We got center seats, enjoyed a great performance & have never forgot that evening. We still follow them to this day."
Michelle Paris 7/09/2015 9:24 PM
"One of my favorite places. I am not even 50 years old yet but I have enjoyed over 100 spectacular evenings there over time and plan on 100 more great shows."
David Conley 7/09/2015 8:50 PM
"In the summer of 1987, I brought my family to stay at the MGM for a week. My wife and I attended a dinner show in the Grand Theatre to see an animal act that included lions and tigers. We were in the front row enjoying everything immensely. At one point, a tiger ran around the stage and actually slipped the rear end of its body halfway off the stage and onto our table. I helped push the animal back onto the stage. I never touched a tiger before or since but will never forget that show."
Kenneth Ostertag 7/09/2015 8:10 PM
"Have been to a couple of shows,theater is always clean and no bad seats.Sound system very good can hear from any place in the theater."
Debra Walker 7/09/2015 7:49 PM
"My mother & grandmother took me to Reno for my 21st birthday on January 6 1982. It snowed for several days closing Interstate 80 and our trip from Sacramento was in peril. The morning we were to leave dawned sunny and the highway was open. The snow was so high along the road that's all I could see out the windows. We arrived safely at the MGM and enjoyed the wonderful Hello Hollywood Hello show, complete with the airplane on stage. It was a very memorable 21st birthday!"
David Dickens 7/09/2015 7:39 PM
"I remember seeing "Hello Hollywood Hello" with the full size airplane on stage. The music and dancers were fabulous!!!"
Troy Giersdorf 7/09/2015 6:56 PM
"When I moved to Reno in 1991, my best friend helped my mother and I with the move from California. It was Labor Day Weekend, 1991 (the longest weekend I have spent anywhere). The temperature in Reno was the same 106 that it was in Sacramento. It was the last year of that drought. Once we got everything unloaded and into the apartment, my best friend and I came to the property and listened to the Moody Blues. It was a phenomenal performance. I would hate to have missed it."
Shirley Burke 7/09/2015 6:48 PM
"I remember when the theater had couches for the loved ones to sit together or have comfortable seats to watch a movie and taking my 8 year old daughter there."
Linda Gonzalez 7/09/2015 6:47 PM
"I went to see Hello Hollywood Hello it was a show that words could not tell how grand it was when the lane was on stage oh my goodness . I took my parents and sisters after winning at Keno I feel so happy that I was able to do that for my family and to see something so Grand."
Tina Olsen 7/09/2015 6:45 PM
"Seeing Blonde with my daughter. We began our evening with a fabulous dinner at Charlie Palmer and completed it with a fantastic performance in such a quaint setting."
Michael Seal 7/09/2015 6:40 PM
"I remember seeing Hello Hollywood Hello and The Nutcracker when I was a kid. I continued going to the theater as an adult. Can't wait to see the new theater."
Jen Berg 7/09/2015 6:32 PM
"Hello Hollywood Hello....so awesome!"
Paula Hlade 7/09/2015 6:12 PM
"I remember when Keith Urban played at the Grand Theatre and I was front row, touching the stage. got great pics and always wished he'd return the the venue since every seat was good seat. BEST.CONCERT.EVER."
Maria Giambruno 7/09/2015 5:34 PM
"Being a Reno person of course we all welcomed the opening of the MGM Grand and attended the Hello Hollywood production several times. However, at one time there was a "family" show performed on a Sunday afternoon. We patiently stood in line with many other young families with our two young sons. It was so exciting to see their faces as the show evolved and to see their enjoyment of that wonderful performance. This was truely their first "live concert/show" and to this day they still love going to all kinds of live performances and still remember that family day at the Grand!"
Sasha Felix 7/09/2015 1:07 PM
"I love it here!"
Leah Bennett 7/09/2015 10:40 AM
"My first experience at the Grand Theater was also my daughters. I took her to see her first concert, Colby Calet. What a great night! We had dinner and milkshakes then saw the show. The theater was magical and the stage was so big we could not tell where it stopped. Everyone seemed to be in a festive mood and dressed in their very best attire. Smiles were dispersed by all and very contagious. Everything moving in tune with the music wafting from every perfectly placed speaker in the theater, we laughed and danced for 2 glorious hours. This is a wonderful memory I will forever hold on to."
Michelle Hayes 7/09/2015 10:16 AM
"My best friend and I have seen so many concerts there! From Terri Clark to Colbie Caillat to Halestorm and beyond. Our most memorable experience though was meeting Colbie Caillat. We got back stage passes. I also met her mom the night before, and she remembered us that night! So it was just fun to meet her and get some great song writing advice! We are looking forward to seeing "our girl" again in August!"
Rita Lencioni 7/09/2015 09:54 AM
"When Hello Hollywood Hello opened I went to see, what I termed, an extravaganza as far as shows in the Reno area went. I was so enchanted by the production and stage sets that when my parents came to visit I took them to see it. At that time my Dad was confined to a wheelchair but the showroom had excellent accommodations for physically challenged individuals. Both my Dad and Mom thoroughly enjoyed seeing the show and talked about the special treat I gave them for many years afterwards. The looks on their faces as they watched the show is something I shall never forget. A marvelous memory!!"
Erin Tepe 7/09/2015 08:15 AM
"I grew up going to the MGM Grand Theater with my grandparents. As an excited eight year old, my grandma would take me shopping for a new dress, and we'd go to the Hello Hollywood dinner shows. Always such a special treat and so many wonderful memories. Then as a teenager, we would go to the musicals...my favorite was the Buddy Holly story, back in the early 90's. When I got married, the first show I saw there was Tesla...so much fun. Then a few years ago, I took my widowed grandfather to the nutcracker for his birthday. I can't wait to see what new memories the new showroom will bring."
Heather Mccreary 7/08/2015 11:04 PM
"Growing up in Truckee coming to Reno was a big thing. My parents took all 5 of us to see Hello Hollywood Hello for the first time when I was 10 in 1980. It was awesome for our family. There after we saw the show 8-10 times. Always for a special event. It was great that a casino had shows avalible for kids. It was truly magical for our family. Great family memories. I also remember coming to the MGM for Sunday brunch in the show room. Fabulous."
Anna Pepito 7/08/2015 10:04 PM

"My husband and I love the Grand Sierra! To us this place represents the excitement of Reno. We first visited about five years ago. We immediately fell in love with everything offered. We ate at Johnny Rockets and watched the horse races. We had never bet on horses but decide to try our luck. We bet on the horse with the lowest odds of winning and at the end of the race that horse caught up and won! Another time we participated in an exciting hoedown! Whether its bowling, trying our luck at the roulette or craps tables, watching a magic show at the theater, watching a movie at the Cinema or eating at one of the delicious restaurants, we love the Grand Sierra and have come back for many visits. We even brought our two year old last year! The Grand Sierra represents a big part of our marriage and family. We love it here!!"
Fabienne Hansen 7/08/2015 3:29 PM

"I wanted to have a wonderful Christmas treat for my mom and my 6 year old daughter, so I I took them to see The Nutcracker at The Grand Sierra's Grand Theatre. It was amazing! Three generations now share a beautiful memory together!"
Matt Varshabi 7/08/2015 3:01 PM

"I've seen so many great shows at the Grand Theater and have so many stories I moved to Reno from Mississippi in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina. I had tickets to see Nine inch nails at one of my favorite venues in New Orleans but after the hurricane they cancelled the New Orleans show. I moved to Reno in October of 2005, I saw that nin played the Grand Theater earlier in the year and was sad thinking that I kinda missed them twice. lol Around November of 2005 they (nin) came back to Reno! Coming to a city twice on one tour is almost unheard-of. I couldn't believe it. It was like a gift. That was my first show at the Grand Theater and I had mixed emotions because losing my favorite venue in the hurricane and moving to a new place. The concert was amazing! That night I remember thinking as I left how awesome the Grand Theater was. The tables made it a quirky, comforting, and interesting venue. Since I've seen some of the best shows of my life there. I almost purposed to my then girlfriend there. (the artist never got back to me) so, I'll always have a special place in my heart for the Hilton / Grand Sierra Theater. Thank you."
Milton Gallegos 7/07/2015 12:12 PM
"Was there for my 32nd birthday to celebrate my birthday and the start of the FIFA World Cup. Last second three Korn tickets became available and WOW what a show! Small venue made it feel like we were up front. Ate after at Johhny Rocket's and won $200 at a slot machine. Bet on some World Cup games and won. All and all a memorable trip! Thanks GSR!"
Alex Kamakeeaina 7/08/2015 1:12 PM
"Oh the memories of the a Grand Theater! We have seen so many entertainers there over the years. One of my favorite memories is seeing Wynona and sitting at the front table. She played her guitar right to our table. She was literally right there in front of u. Your elbows are on the stage. For being such a big theater it seems so intimate. But of course the big thrill was when I was a kid seeing the 747 come our on stage with the dancers on the wings. Oh it was magical! Being a kid it just seemed so big and unreal! Thanks for remodeling this old theater. It carries many memories. Thanks GSR!"
Laura Gonzalez 7/07/2015 12:12 PM
"We had a great time 4th of July weekend at Grand Sierra gambling and watching the fireworks. Can't wait for our next trip ??"
Alex Weaver 7/07/2015 1:30 AM
"Performing in the choir during the "Spirit of the Season" Christmas conert in 2006 and 2007. Toni Tennille performing and Slot machine concerto. During rehersals met a friend i hadn't seen in a few years."
David Chown 7/03/2015 2:31 PM
"My wife and I went here to see Charo on our honeymoon here in 1987. Coochie Coochie!"
Mario Cabrera Jr. 7/01/2015 8:20 PM

"I have special memories of The Grand Theatre. I covered my first boxing match there and loved the venue. I had a special treat when Bay Area pro boxer Karim Mayfield sat next to me and we talked about boxing and how great the atmosphere was and how the event was unforgettable!!"
Dana Duplan 6/30/2015 6:06 PM
"I've had so many good times and seen so many great concerts over the years at the Grand Theatre its hard to pick just one. It has been my favorite venue since I moved to Reno in '97. Many places for entertainment have come and gone over the years but the GSR has remained solid. I have a very wide and eclectic taste in music and have at 50 concerts there. Everything from country to soul to rock and hip hop, you name it. I'm just a fan of good music, and the you guys always have the best acts year after year. I'd say two concerts stand out for me. The first was Robert Randolph & Family Band several years back. They invited people from the crowd to come onstage and play guitar with them! I specifically remember a kid about 15 got up there and rock the house! The other would be Jurassic 5 a few months back. They were surprised by the the enthusiasm of the pack house and I think it made them perform with a special kind of energy. After the show was over they hung around and signed autographs and graciously thanked their fans. I had em all sign a set list and even got photos with them. One of em said "man, there's an airplane back stage"! I jokingly asked if that was their ride to Portland for the next nights show. I wish! was his reply. All in all I've NEVER had a bad time there and I am anxiously awaiting the new and improved showroom. I'll be there to see Primus do "Willy Wonka" in Sept. What better way to kick it off! Thanks for doing it right. See you there!"
Kristin McFarlane 6/30/2015 11:14 PM
"I have been to the gsr.for so many events. But my absolute favorite has been bootie and the blowfish. It was my hubby and I s first concert together. And we have been together for over 12 years. It was an awesome experience. Thank you."