Our exclusive offers not only provide exceptional savings but also grant you access to premium room amenities, including plush bedding, spacious accommodations, and stunning views. Enjoy a range of top-tier services, such as a complimentary shuttle to local attractions, fine dining options, and a full-service spa — all designed to enhance your stay. Discover how our grand value packages combine these luxurious features with unbeatable rates to create an unforgettable resort experience.
Hotel Deals for Premier Rooms & Suites
Discover the perfect room for your stay with our exclusive deals on premiere rooms and suites. Explore the features and amenities of our top-tier accommodations to find what best suits your needs. Whether it's stunning views, extra space, or premium comforts, our rooms offer a range of options to enhance your experience. Check out our selections and find the ideal choice that matches your preferences and budget.
Best Rate Guarantee
When you book directly with Grand Sierra Resort and Casino we guarantee you are receiving the best publicly available rate. With nearly 2,000 hotel rooms we have the perfect getaway waiting for you — at the best rate.
Stay & Earn Rewards Points
Infinity Rewards members can earn points and comps to use at Grand Sierra Resort and SAHARA Las Vegas!